Become a Brand Ambassador!
Get free months of Happy Charting & earn cash!
For every 100 points,
Earn a free month on your Subscription.
Level 1 - 10 points each:
Level 2 - 20 points each:
Write a review on HC Capterra
Write a review on our Facebook page
Write a review on our Google Business Profile
Send us a Written Testimonial with a Photo and Permission for us to Share
Send us a Video Testimonial 1-5mins long with Permission for us to Share
Level 3 - 50 points each:
Refer a client to us who may or may not join Happy Charting
Write on forums/facebook groups/community pages supporting Happy Charting
Give us permission to share your charting template
Give us permission to share your forms template/s
Fill out our HC Customer - Demographic USP survey
Level 4 - 100 points each:
40 min recorded zoom call for a Case Study Interview and Permission to Share
40 min recorded zoom call for discussion on how to improve Happy Charting/Forms
40 min recorded zoom call for testing & getting feedback on designs/features/bugs
40 min recorded zoom call to learn and understand your problems and challenges
If you’ve completed any of these tasks and were not compensated, they can contribute toward your point total.
To receive compensation, email us at
Earn Referral Affiliate Income:
Earn Monthly Passive Income!
When you refer someone to us and they join Happy Charting:
For every monthly payment they make, you earn 10%
So if someone joins at $50USD/month, you’ll be paid $5USD/month
Refer 200 people who join HC and you’ll earn a passive income of $1000USD/month.
Payments continue for as long as the person is a Happy Charting customer.
To qualify, you must complete all Ambassador Levels 1-4.
Be an HC Influencer/Blog Contributor:
Do you love to influence, write or teach?
Create videos on social media about Happy Charting and why you use it
Create videos on social media teaching how you use Happy Charting
Create blog posts or articles related to Happy Charting topics - for example advice on how to create your chart template, how you write your charts quickly etc.
Create articles on best practices for acupuncture businesses - for example advice on getting new patients, marketing, hiring, organizing, managing etc.
For every 4 pieces of content you create, if we use it on our HC website, blog or social media, you’ll earn a free month of Happy Charting.
You’ll also get a discount code and any referrals from your discount code will give you a 10% referral commission, same as above.
To qualify, you must complete all Ambassador Levels 1-4.
Become an Events Ambassador:
Go to Acupuncture Conventions or Networking Events often?
Set up a booth, bring an iPad or laptop and show visitors the great features and benefits of Happy Charting
We’ll provide you with funds to set up a booth, branding/promotional materials, and transportation costs of those materials
We’ll also cover costs of the event - tickets, meals, accommodation, travel/flights
To qualify, you must complete all Ambassador Levels 1-4.
Ready to get started?
Email us at with what you’re interested in and we’ll help you get started! 🥳 🙌 💖
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