Interested in Online Forms?
Here are our Happy Forms:
We have many acupuncture clinics who use our Happy Forms!
You can send a link to your patients before they arrive and fill it out. Scroll down to the bottom to see Pricing.
You get one customizable form, and as many consent/privacy/HIPAA etc. forms as you’d like.
There's no limit to the number of patients who can fill it out.
You can link your form to a button on your website.
Or put the link in your appointment confirmation email.
Or send this link to your entire emailing list.
We have an invisible reception where there’s a web page you can set on your iPad/tablet.
Patients can fill out your intake form and sign it, without you being there.
Here’s a 5min explainer video:
Want to know what our customers use for their intake form templates?
10 Private Acupuncture Intake Form Templates
5 Short and Simple Intake Forms Templates
Click here:
Intake Form Templates with Community Acupuncture
5 Intake Form Templates for Community Acupuncturists
5 Short and Simple Intake Forms Templates
Click here:
Look left to find your category, then scan right to see pricing.
*15% discount off for community acupuncture and non-profit clinics. Please use the contact form above to show proof of status and we’ll send you a discount code.