Level 1 Training Course
Step 1: Create your Happy Charting Account
If you’ve already managed to sign up for your Happy Charting trial, feel free to skip this video and head onto the next step!
To create your trial Happy Charting Account, click this link here: app.happycharting.com
If you prefer to read, or would like to follow step by step instructions, here’s a downloadable PDF for you to follow: Create your HC Account Steps PDF
Step 2: Overview and Appointments <<< Watch This 2nd!
Step by Step Instructions: Add Appointment Steps PDF
Step 3: Customize Patient Information <<< Watch This 3rd!
Step by Step Instructions: Customize Patient Information Steps PDF
Step 4: Customize Fast Chart <<< Watch This 4th!
*** Note: This is the same as customizing Patient Information ***
Step by Step Instructions: Customize Fast Chart Steps PDF
Feel free to watch the video to get some ideas for your own Fast Chart 😁
To view how to use Chief Complaints or Point Treatment - head to the ‘Happy Charting’ tab at the top of the page.
This process can take between 30mins or 3 hours depending on how long you want to spend perfecting your chart.
If you’d like some ideas, click the ‘Templates’ tab at the top of the page to view how other clinics customized their Fast Chart.
Video 5: Learn about Chart History, Reports, Clinic Details and Uploading Documents <<< Watch This 5th!
Step by Step Instructions: Chart History, Reports, Clinic Details, Uploading Documents Steps PDF - Coming soon…
Video 6: End of Course Video <<< Watch This 6th!
You made it! Woohoo! 😻 To continue learning the Basics, or move onto the Level 2 Happy Charting Training Course, head to the ‘Happy Charting’ tab at the top of the page.
Video Transcription:
Hello! Wow! Congratulations on finishing this training. That wasn't so bad, was it? 😃Congratulations because now that you've completed this training, you are a Level 1 Happy Charting graduate.
By now, you have probably gone through all of our action steps thoroughly and completed them. This includes having customized your Patient Information and your Fast Chart. Now you can use Happy Charting in your clinic.
We made it a goal to make this course as enjoyable for you as possible. We didn't want it to be long or dragged out or tedious, as sometimes that's the feeling you get when you have to learn a completely new software.
When you finish this end of course video you will be able to unlock access to our Level 2 Happy Charting Training Course. This will be in the same format, with easy to digest lessons and bite sized action steps that will help you with more advanced tasks.
These tasks include uploading hundreds or 1000s of patients, understanding how to add multiple users and their permissions, merging duplicates, signing business associate agreements for HIPAA compliance, and much more.
For now, it's time to start adding your appointments and signing those charts. You will be adding your appointments manually each day.
Most of our Happy Charting family tell me that they do this first thing before they start their shift for the day. Since it's so easy and fast to sign a chart, they find that they can sign their last chart before their last patient leaves for the day. And then they don't need to take their charts home with them.
That was our purpose for building Happy Charting. So that you would no longer hate to have to chart.
Thank you so much for completing our Level 1 Happy Charting Training Course. We really appreciate the time and effort that you have put in to watch these lessons and do the action steps. We are excited to support you as your clinic grows. And we hope that we continue to be your go to charting software for the rest of your clinic's long and prosperous life.
Copyright 2023 Happy Charting Ltd. All rights reserved.